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Giro delle Dolomiti

Granfondo Felice Gimondi - Bianchi 9. Mai 2021

Bei der 24. Ausgabe des Radmarathons mit Start und Ziel in Bergamo stehen die drei klassischen Strecken zur Auswahl. Die Anmeldung öffnet am Montag, 18. Jänner. Mit dem speziellen Bergamo Herz würdigen die Veranstalter die von der Pandemie schwer getroffenen Region.

The Selvino hill, one of the main climbs of the GF Felice Gimondi Bianchi course (Bild: Marco Quaranta)

The Selvino hill, one of the main climbs of the GF Felice Gimondi Bianchi course (Bild: Marco Quaranta)


After a season off, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Granfondo Gimondi-Bianchi is the perfect chance to start over for the city of Bergamo and the passionate riders from everywhere in Europe and beyond. The entries for the 2020 edition - unfortunately cancelled - will be held valid by adding a small 10 euros fee, to set off the organization ongoing expenses, while an update of the personal information will also be required in case of changes for all the 2700 participants registered last year

Registrations are allowed from January 18th to April 17th filling the online form available on GF’s official website www.felicegimondi.it.

Three classic routes
The 2021 GF Gimondi - Bianchi will be held on the three classic routes – short (89,4 km), medium (128,8 km) and long (162,1 km) - personally drafted by Felice Gimondi himself.

Granfondo Felice Gimondi is part of the series Alé Challenge and Zero Wind Show.

Bergamo's heart to become the GF Gimondi 2021 landmark
The Granfondo Internazionale Felice Gimondi-Bianchi pay tribute to Bergamo and its citizens carrying on the fight against Covid-19 as the 2021 edition’s core theme.
During the last months, while the Covid-19 pandemic was affecting Bergamo and its area, a read heart has been hanged on every balcony to unite an entire population as a symbol of the battle against the virus. Throughout difficult weeks that marked the lives of many families in the Bergamo area, a whole community was able to stick together the doctors and nurses in the front line.

The key visual of the 24th edition is a red heart. A reminiscent of the balconies of Bergamo and province, a territory that does not want to forget the difficult moments of the last months.

Artikel vom 15.01.2021


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