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Arlberg Giro

34. Ausgabe des Granfondo Internazionale La Fausto Coppi Officine Mattio

Am 25. Juni 2023 starteten in Cuneo (Piemont, Italien) 2.000 AthletInnen aus 24 verschiedenen Nationen auf zwei anspruchsvollen Strecken über 177 Kilometer und 4.125 Höhenmeter bzw. 111 Kilometer und 2.500 Höhenmeter.

Start zum Fausto Coppi auf der Piazza Galimberti in Cuneo (Bilder: Fotoravenna.com)

Start zum Fausto Coppi auf der Piazza Galimberti in Cuneo (Bilder: Fotoravenna.com)

Sieger auf der Granfondo-Distanz über 177 km wurden Luca Raggio und Samantha Arnaudo, die ihren Sieg von 2021 wiederholen konnte und im Overallklassement Rang 11 belegte. Die Mediofondo-Strecke über 111 km gewannen Andrea Cismondi und Tyffen Saure. Insgesamt waren 2.200 TeilnehmerInnen angemeldet, von den 2.000 Startern waren 145 Frauen. Einer der Höhepunkte war der Anstieg auf den höchsten Punkt, dem Colle Fauniera (2.481m - Cima Coppi) in den italienischen Seealpen.

Rennbericht (engl.)
Many athletes and public figures took part in the Granfondo Internazionale La Fausto Coppi Officine Mattio, including the Olympic Champion and two-times World Champion Paolo Bettini and the World Champion of Alpine Skiing Marta Bassino.

At 7 a.m. Paolo Bettini waved the checkered flag, kicking off the competition.

The group faced the first hour of the Granfondo race at a really sustained pace: it arrived at the foot of the Valmala climb with a partial average of 43 km/h, then the climbers played it straight. The first climb of the day selected a group of ten attackers: Arne Saey, Paolo Castelnovo, Harold Evans, Alexander Worsdale, Mattia Stoppa, Andrea Gallo, Stephane Cognet, Matteo Calcagno, Luca Raggio, and Sabato Maria Venutolo.

The outriders entered Dronero with a haul of 2:00" over the chasing group including Samantha Arnaudo.

On the slopes that led to the Piatta Soprana, first Stoppa and then Saey let go, while on the subsequent descent it was Venutolo who had to stop due to a puncture. The rest of the riders climbed in harmony up to Campomolino, then there was the acceleration of Castelnovo and Cognet that made Raggio break away. It was at this point that the Team Piùsport Levante racer chose to proceed at his own pace and make the most of his skills as a climber rouler.

Castelnovo climbed the Colle Fauniera in the lead over Cognet and Raggio, but on the following descent and on the ramps of the Madonna del Colletto, Luca Raggio reversed the situation by catching Castelnovo, breaking away from him and crossing the last peak of the day with a lead of 1'50" over his adversary.


The fast descent towards Cuneo allowed Luca Raggio (Team Piùsport Levante) to finish in 5h42'40" at an average of 30.99 km/h and to impose himself with a lead of 4'01" over Paolo Castelnovo (Asd Team MP Filtri) and 8'41" over Evans.

Samantha Arnaudo (OM.CC) replicated her 2021 success with a long solo ride that saw her finish eleventh overall. The OM.CC climber finished in 6h17'48" at an average of 28.11 km/h ahead of Maria Elena Palmisano (Asd Garda Scott Matergia) by 24'36" and Asia Balocco (GS Passatore) by 1h25'07".

The men's Mediofondo race ended in a three-way sprint to the finish line in Piazza Galimberti: Andrea Cismondi (Cicli Pepino) stopped the timer at 3h40'55" at an average of 30.15 km/h, with Gabriele Novaira (Team Poirinese) 2nd at 1" and Davide Lombardi (Vitamin.In CMF Asd) 3rd at 2".

In the women's Mediofondo race, Tyffen Saure (OM.CC) succeeded with a time of 4h12'49" at an average of 26.34 km/h, 27'40" lower than that of second placed Enrica Garello (Vigor Redmount-Freedom to Ride) and 30'23" lower than that of Beatrice Blanc (GS Passatore).

Alle Ergebnisse


Luca Raggio - Winner of the 34th Granfondo Internazionale La Fausto Coppi Officine Mattio: "There were only a few of us left on the Valmala climb. I'm someone who tries to make a selection pace so after a short time there were eight of us left. I knew that on the Fauniera Castelnovo would have gone strong because he has shown this season that ascents are his bread and butter. So at the base of the hill, I broke away and decided to go at my own pace. He overtook me. I continued at my own pace. Then experience and strategy paid off. I caught him on the last climb, Madonna del Colletto, and then launched myself downhill, trying to break away from him as much as possible. La Fausto Coppi Officine Mattio, as well as the Maratona delle Dolomiti, was one of my goals for the season. I am really satisfied with this victory! I have created a youth team and now I will dedicate myself to them."

Samantha Arnaudo - Winner of the 34th GF Internazionale La Fausto Coppi Officine Mattio: "We faced the first climb rather quickly, then I arrived on the Fauniera and I felt good, I went up strongly, I had no problems. After that, I was alone and my teammates only caught up with me towards the end: thankfully because then I could catch my breath a little. I train a lot during the year for these races, since January I have already done over 14,000 km. I won the last edition of La Fausto Coppi Officine Mattio and I am happy to have repeated this year: compared to 2021 I did much better on the climbs and then I improved my time, coming 11th overall. A great satisfaction!"

Text: PM/Vitamina C

Save the date
Die nächste Ausgabe des GF Fausto Coppi findet am 30. Juni 2024 statt.

Artikel vom 27.06.2023


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