Race Across Austria

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Race Across Austria

Ergebnisse Granfondo Alé La Merckx in Verona

Am 11. Juni 2023 fand die 16. Ausgabe des Granfondos, der Eddy Merckx und der Radsportbekleidungsmarke Alé gewidmet ist, statt. Die knapp 1.300 AthletInnen starteten morgens von der schönen Piazza Bra gegenüber der berühmten Arena von Verona.

Spektakulärer Start auf der Piazza Bra (Foto: tornanti.cc)

Spektakulärer Start auf der Piazza Bra (Foto: tornanti.cc)

Die TeilnehmerInnen konnten zwischen zwei Strecken wählen: dem 138 km langen Granfondo mit einem Höhenunterschied von 3.230 m und dem 84 km langen Mediofondo mit einem Höhenunterschied von 1.640 m. Die Strecke führte von Verona aus vorbei an Almhütten und Weinbergen durch den Naturpark Lessinia. Das Ziel beider Strecken ist die Bergankunft in der Ortschaft “Le Torricelle”.

Andrea Bais aus dem Trentino (Team Sildom Garda) und Maria Elena Palmisano aus Lecce (Team ASD Garda Scott Matergia) siegten auf der langen Strecke. Der Österreicher Stefan Kirchmair siegte in der Kategorie MM 35-39 und konnte sich in seiner Altersklasse das UEC Granfondo Championships Europameisterschaftstrikot überstreifen, insgesamt belegte er den zweiten Rang.

Beim Mediofondo siegten Tomaz Cefuta (ASD Flamme Rouge) und Giulia Medri (Bikeconcept Team ASD).

www.winningtime.it/ web/results.php?item=6001&from=all

Starting at 7.45 a.m., the cyclists set off in a group in good time to Via Colombo from where, at precisely 7.51 a.m., the actual start (km 0) of the chrono was given.

After 8 km, at Parona, the tussle already began and a group of around 9 men broke away from the rest.

Among them was Andrea Bais (team Sildom Garda - bib no. 314), who tried to break away together with Enrico Ferrian (GCD Cage-Moveya VC Silvana - bib no. 346) -

Near Gargagnago, after 15 km of the race, the escapees had a 1' 25" lead over the rest of the group.

With 20 km from the start, near Mazzurega, the escapees were reduced to six, with Bais and Ferrian always in the lead.

The cyclists proceeded in succession until the climb of Sant'Anna d'Alfaedo, at the end of which was the junction where the riders had to choose whether to continue on the medium route or turn left towards Erbezzo and continue on the long route.

It was on this very technical and steep descent that Andrea Bais decided to launch the attack that would lead him to win the granfondo solo.

Behind him, many of the pursuers chose the medium course, while for the long course, the following athletes took turns in several breakaways in an attempt to catch Andrea: Austrian Stefan Kirchmair (team Sildom Garda - bib. 230), Enrico Ferrian (bib. 346), the brother of Sonny Colbrelli, Tomas Colbrelli (Team Domain ASD - bib. 319), Francesco Romano (bib. 2162 - ASD team Nuova Avir) and Patrick Facchini (team Sildom Garda - bib. 486).

In the meantime, around 10:00 a.m., the middle distance was concluded, which saw a fierce sprint to the finish line, won by a few hundredths of a second by Tomaz Cefuta (ASD team Flamme Rouge - ppt. 355) with 2h 7' 3" at an average speed of 38.5 km/h, followed by Diego Venturi (team Alé Cipollini - ppt. 49) and Simone Logica (ASD Avesani).

In the women category, first place for Giulia Medri (Bikeconcept Team ASD) after 2h 20' 21" and an average speed of 34.8 km/h followed by Alessia Bortoli (ASD Capitani Minuterie Metalliche) at 10", and Micol Pizzamiglio (Highroad Team ASD) at 1' 56".

Meanwhile, in the long run, Andrea Bais increased his lead over the pursuers, taking advantage of the beautiful descent towards Erbezzo, bringing it to almost 2 minutes.

The landscape became more sparse as the Trentino athlete climbed towards the KOM of the granfondo, located at Passo del Branchetto (1582m).

At the top of the pass for Andrea, the games were now done and the athlete continued to manage the race until the finish line, which saw him win alone after 3h 49' 25" and an average speed of 36 km/h.

Andrea Bais: "This is my first win of the season. I really enjoyed this new long route of the Alé La Merckx and then it is always one of those races that is organised at its best. I come from Trentino, so it's almost a home race, and I always gladly return to Verona. Then, the start from Piazza Bra is beautiful and the finish on the Torricelle, however hard it is, is always spectacular.
Up to the routes crossroads we were a breakaway of 5-6 people, after that I was alone with Ferrian; at one point, he told me to go because he couldn't take it anymore. Fortunately there were some of my comrades behind me who helped me a bit to gain the advantage and I managed to arrive alone."

Sieger Andrea Bais - Team Sildom Garda (Foto: Camilla Pizzini)

Behind him, his team mates, Facchini and Kirchmair, took turns containing his opponents' attempts to catch him and thus securing him a further lead.

At the foot of the Torricelle climb, the pursuers prepared for the final sprint. However, the Austrian Stefan Kirchmair (Team Sildom Garda p. 230) took off and won second place (1' 54" from Bais), followed by Francesco Romano (ASD Team Nuova Avir) who came in at 2' 01" from the Trentino athlete.

2. Stefan Kirchmair - Team Sildom Garda (Foto: Camilla Pizzini)

The women's race, as in the 2022 edition, was won by the Lecce teacher of the ASD Garda Scott Matergia team (bib 258) Maria Elena Palmisano, who led a race in total solitude, together with some teammates, after a breakaway that began about 10 km from the start.

Palmisano, who is in splendid form this year with several victories behind her, is a pure climber and, with her precise, cadenced pace, she climbed towards the Torricelle finish line, winning after 4h 16' 54" of racing, conducted at an average speed of 31 km/h. She was followed after 15' 34" by Giulia Portaluri (MG.K. Vis - bib 334) and after 16' 52" by Luisa Isonni (ASD Boario - bib 373).

Maria Elena Palmisano: "The Alé La Merckx is one of my favourite races, I have to say that, and this year's course was also very nice even if it was a bit different in the last part, which I liked a lot anyway. I tried to go hard right away, on the first climb, so that I could make a bit of a selection and then I went on at my own pace. I'm doubly pleased with the win because apart from the ranking position, I made a good timing. I also look at this a lot: beyond the comparison with the others, I really enjoy the challenge with myself so I'm very happy, very satisfied. Then the uphill finish for me is the top!
I have won a lot this year, but in the meantime I enjoy today, which was fantastic, and I also thank my teammates who are always wonderful with me."

Siegerin Maria Elena Palmisano - Team ASD Garda Scott Matergia (Foto: Camilla Pizzini)

Text: PM/Vitamina C

Artikel vom 14.06.2023


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